Pelosi: House could vote on bipartisan coronavirus economic rescue package Friday – live updates

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WASHINGTON – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled details Thursday of a bipartisan deal she has been negotiating with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Republican lawmakers.

The package would provide free testing, paid emergency leave and increased unemployment coverage, she said. She's expected to bring it to the House floor Friday.

The latest legislation would come on top of an $8.3 billion package of emergency funding that Congress has already passed to fund research for vaccines and provide money for preparedness and response. Pelosi said lawmakers and the Trump administration will also be negotiating further steps.

“Time is of the essence, and this bill must be passed and sent to the Senate,” Pelosi said. “The House will then get to work on a third emergency response package that will take further effective action that protects the health, economic security and well-being of the American people.”

The measure the House is expected to take up Friday would:

  • Provide free testing “for everyone who needs a test, including the uninsured." One caveat: There’s been a tremendous shortage of test kits available so access could still be a big issue.

  • Set aside up to 14 days of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave for workers affected by the coronavirus contamination.

  • Expand unemployment benefits to workers sent home due to the crisis.

  • Ensure availability of food assistance such as SNAP, student meals, seniors’ nutrition and food banks. Democrats were able to place a temporary hold on work requirements under SNAP during the public health crisis.

  • Provide federal Medicaid funds to help states defray costs associated with the crisis.

Some Republicans on Capitol Hill have raised concerns about Democratic proposals to expand government programs and require paid leave, saying that could put new burdens on businesses.

– Ledyard King

Deal could reassure reeling markets

A deal is close on an economic stimulus bill aimed at helping workers across the U.S. and countering the impact of the coronavirus on the markets, which on Thursday saw its worst day since 1987.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters outside her office Thursday evening that after all-day talks with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, no deal had been reached but one was close, adding that “we hope to have an announcement tomorrow.”

Pelosi, standing alongside House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal, said the deal was “subject to paper” and that both sides have “resolved most of our differences” and the remaining issues can be settled in future bills to counter the effects of the virus on everyday life for Americans.

The legislation could serve as a reassuring message to the markets, which saw steep losses on Thursday that deepened worries about a possible recession due to the rapidly spreading virus.

“That was very shocking,” Pelosi said of the markets. “I'm not going to go into that because what we're trying to do is be a positive” force.

Neal and Pelosi said the package will help be a stimuli to the economy and offer some confidence. “We all acknowledge that we have an economic downturn that’s going to increase spending, and we've made that public investment as it relates to public health is issue No. 1,” Neal said.

– Christal Hayes

Pelosi, Trump aides work into the night on coronavirus rescue plan

After talks that spanned a day when schools closed in several states, sporting events were canceled and financial markets saw their worst day since 1987, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin were working into the night Thursday to find common ground on a measure to stem the economic damage from the coronavirus.

Democrats want to vote on legislation to offer paid sick leave for workers, additional food assistance, free coronavirus testing and bolstered unemployment insurance among the provisions. But the proposal has been met with skepticism from President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans who raised concerns about some of the provisions and the costs incurred by businesses to implement some of the policies.

After at least seven phone calls between Pelosi and Mnuchin, a deal appeared closer. One hurdle that appears to have been crossed was Republican opposition to sick leave because of the costs to businesses that implement a mandatory leave due to the coronavirus. A aide familiar with the discussions said Democrats were able to keep in paid sick leave by offering additional tax credits that will help small and medium-sized businesses pay for the policy. If a deal is struck, the House could vote to approve the bill as early as Thursday night.

Getting the deal across the finish line remains a top priority for Congress as the virus continues to deepen its impact on every way of life across the globe. Amid pressure on lawmakers to act, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell canceled the Senate's planned recess break next week and will instead work on getting this legislation passed into law.

– Christal Hayes

AOC makes Fox News debut to confront 'misinformation' on coronavirus response

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made her Fox News debut to discuss the coronavirus outbreak on Thursday.

“I usually don’t go on FOX on principle, but misinformation about coronavirus has made me concerned about risk,” she tweeted. “As a result I decided to go on Bret Baier to discuss coronavirus response + make the case for paid leave, Medicaid, etc”

While discussing the outbreak, the freshman congresswoman blasted the Trump administration for its handling of the outbreak, especially for the lack of tests available, comparing the United States to countries like South Korea ().

“Here, people are scrambling. It almost seems like the more wealthy and powerful you are, the more able you are to access a test,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “The rougher road you’ve got here, it’s going to be a lot more difficult for you to access health care. That’s exactly the recipe for disaster.”

She seemed to be referencing some officials who have been able to access tests even though they have said they were not showing any symptoms.

One Democratic congressman who has been self-quarantined pushed back on the Trump administration's claim that "Frankly, the testing has been going very smooth."

Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., tweeted in response, “I can assure you that this is not true.”

– Savannah Behrmann

Bernie Sanders urges national emergency for coronavirus

Sen. Bernie Sanders laid out a plan Thursday to combat the coronavirus pandemic, saying that the Trump Administration has been “largely incompetent.”

“In this time of international crisis, it is clear to me at least, that we have an administration that is largely incompetent and whose incompetence and recklessness have threatened the lives of many, many people in our country,” Sanders said during remarks at Hotel Vermont in Burlington, Vermont.

Sanders outlined that as president he would declare a national emergency for coronavirus, work with health care officials to give updates, make treatments or vaccines free when they are developed, give economic relief to workers who have are sick and must stay home or workers who have been fired, as well as set up relief for service workers whose pay might be affected due to lack of tips.

“It is an absolute moral imperative that our response as a government, as a society, as a business community, and as individual citizens, meet the enormity of this crisis,” he said.

Sanders' remarks come a couple of hours after former Vice President Joe Biden, who is also seeking the Democratic nomination, announced his plan to combat the crisis.

Trump's campaign criticized Sanders' remarks, saying that he "is the wrong prescription for fighting an outbreak like the coronavirus."

"He’s just another Democrat candidate for president trying to score political points by recklessly provoking anxiety and fear," Trump 2020 communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement.

– Rebecca Morin

Senate cancels recess amid coronavirus negotiations

In a tweet, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced the Senate will stay in session through next week, canceling its recess.

"I am glad talks are ongoing between the Administration and (House) Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi. I hope Congress can pass bipartisan legislation to continue combating the coronavirus and keep our economy strong," McConnell wrote.

Senators had urged each other to keep the chamber in session to address the coronavirus pandemic and reauthorize surveillance authority for counterterrorism investigations.

“Our nation’s leaders must cast aside partisan politics and put the health of our country first. Congress needs to cancel its recess and stay in session so we can work together in a bipartisan fashion to address the coronavirus pandemic,” Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., said.

Democrats also were open to halting the recess to get the coronavirus bill over the finish line.

“The bottom line is the sooner we can get something done the better,” said Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

– Nicholas Wu and Christal Hayes

Biden releases coronavirus plan, says Trump is 'welcome to adopt all of it'

Former Vice President Joe Biden introduced a plan Thursday to combat the coronavirus pandemic, one day after President Donald Trump announced a travel ban from Europe for the next 30 days to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“This disease could impact every nation under any person on the planet,” Biden said during his remarks at Hotel Du Pont in Wilmington, Delaware. “We need a plan about how we’re going to aggressively manage it at home.”

Some aspects of Biden’s plan include making the coronavirus test more easily accessible, frequent updates about the pandemic from health care officials and economic relief for families who have been hit by coronavirus.

“President Trump is welcome to adopt all of it today,” Biden said of his plan. He also criticized Trump’s travel suspension from Europe, adding that although it may slow, spread of the virus, “it will not stop it.”

Trump’s campaign slammed Biden’s remarks, saying the president’s “every move has been aimed at keeping Americans safe, while Joe Biden has sought to capitalize politically and stoke citizens’ fears.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders is giving remarks later Thursday on the “health and economic crisis” in the United States.

– Rebecca Morin

Redfield agrees CDC will pay for costs of testing uninsured

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said he was willing use his existing authority to have the CDC pay for all Americans to be tested for the coronavirus, including the uninsured, after persistent questioning from Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., during a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing Thursday.

Porter asserted that Redfield has such authority under federal law. Redfield initially told Porter said he was discussing the matter with HHS, but after further questions, Redfield agreed he would commit to using his authority to authorize payment for the tests.

“I think you’re an excellent questioner, so my answer is yes,” Redfield told Porter.

– William Cummings

Trump: Markets will be 'just fine' despite plunge

President Donald Trump downplayed the latest plunge in stocks, saying Thursday that "the markets are going to be just fine."

During a meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Trump said he is considering declaring a national emergency on coronavirus and what steps he might take under it.

Trump said he has "memorized practically" the Stafford Act, which governs federal emergencies. If coronavirus is declared an emergency, it would make it easier for the federal government to send money and other help to state and local governments to deal with it.

"We have very strong emergency powers under the Stafford Act," Trump said. "I have it memorized practically as to the powers in that act. And if I need to do something I'll do it. I have the right to do a lot of things that people don't even know about."

Coronavirus: Pelosi pushes for swift passage of coronavirus bill despite Republican concerns

The New York Stock Exchange halted trading temporarily Thursday after a 7% decline. The loss came a day after Trump announced travel restrictions to Europe and a package of economic proposals to cope with the virus in the USA.

Trump opened the Oval Office meeting, which began without the customary ceremonial handshake, saying France and Germany are having difficulties, and Italy has "probably record-setting" problems.

Wednesday, Trump and Varadkar each gave speeches to their own countries about dealing with the pandemic of coronavirus.

Trump announced a 30-day suspension in travel from Europe – other than the United Kingdom – to the USA. Travel groups said 850,000 people traveled from those countries to the USA in March 2019 and spent $3.4 billion.

European travel ban: EU leaders slam Trump's sweeping coronavirus travel ban

Trump said he had to move "quickly" on the travel restrictions, which he said prevented consultations with European leaders. He said the United Kingdom was excluded because it's doing a good job of containing the virus.

"We had to make a decision, and we didn't want to take time," Trump said.

Contributing: Deirdre Shesgreen and Ledyard King

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus: Pelosi, Trump aides work on rescue plan after market dive