President Trump is forced into declaring a national emergency: Rep. Jody Hice

Congress fails to deal with the humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border, writes Rep. Jody Hice of the House Freedom Caucus.

There is no question that the United States is facing both a humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border. Just think about this: 2,000 illegal and inadmissible migrants arrive at our border every day; our immigration courts have a backlog of more than 800,000 cases; and in the past two years alone, Customs and Border Protection has arrested thousands of criminals at the southern border.

Unfortunately, Democrats have repeatedly denied the magnitude of this crisis. Blinded by hatred of the president, they have refused to negotiate in good faith — choosing political expediency over the safety and security of the American people.

Calling that shameful would be an understatement, especially given that many of the Democrats who are the loudest in opposition today have advocated for these same measures under former presidents.

President Donald Trump has rightfully and responsibly pressed Congress to listen to our Border Patrol agents on the ground and provide the resources they need to protect us from the criminal gangs, drug smugglers and human traffickers that are seeping into our country.

OUR VIEW: Republicans will rue support for national emergency

President Donald Trump speaks in El Paso, Texas, on Feb. 11, 2019.
President Donald Trump speaks in El Paso, Texas, on Feb. 11, 2019.

That’s neither immoral nor wasteful; it’s a constitutional imperative. And for weeks, the president has shown time and again his willingness to negotiate and make reasonable concessions, while Democrats have maintained their uncompromising stance.

As I have long said, ensuring the safety and security of the American people is a fight worth fighting. While I prefer legislative solutions to executive actions to address the pressing issues of our time, the president has now been forced into declaring a national emergency.

To be clear, the use of executive powers should, and must, be limited. Ultimately, I had hoped that Congress could deliver on a solution that would serve American citizens, keep our nation safe and stop the humanitarian crisis at our border. But once again, we failed.

Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., represents the 10th District of Georgia, and is a member of the House Freedom Caucus.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: President Trump is forced into declaring a national emergency: Rep. Jody Hice