President Trump admits his executive order is a ban and somewhere, his lawyers are crying

After Saturday's terrorist attacks in London left seven dead and 48 injured, President Trump responded to the tragedy by immediately politicizing it.

On Saturday evening, Trump renewed his call for his "Travel Ban" on Twitter as an "extra level of safety." It wasn't exactly the wisest choice of words for the President, whose administration is currently arguing that the his executive order is not, in fact, an unconstitutional ban.

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"We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel ban as an extra level of safety," the president said.

Shortly after Trump tweeted about his ban, he offered a tweet of condolence to those affected by the attack.

For many, the order of Trump's tweets revealed so much about his administration's priorities. In lieu of waiting for the authorities to call it a terrorist attack, for example, Trump jumped the gun and chose to retweet the Drudge Report instead.

The Trump administration has repeatedly insisted that Trump's executive order was not in fact a ban. The administration's hope is to frame it as something other than a Muslim ban, which is clearly unconstitutional.

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Alas, Trump sort of jeopardized that strategy when he called his executive order a ban in front of his 31.4 million followers.

The ACLU thanked Trump for his generous admission, which will undoubtedly help their defense when the Supreme Court considers Trump's travel ban case.

Later in the morning, Trump continued his tweetstorm by railing against political correctness, knives, and the mayor of London. The mayor responded by saying he wouldn't respond to the president's tweetstorm as he had far more important things to do.

After alienating our most important allies and eroding a few more democratic norms, Trump finished his morning by heading to play a round of golf, his 25th visit to a golf club this year.

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