Pornhub scares everyone to death with its terrifying April Fools' Day prank

Pornhub just took five years off a lot of people's lives. 

The porn site played a pretty mean and also hilarious April Fools' Day joke on its users. 

SEE ALSO: The Most Popular Time for Porn: America's Handy Infographic

Anyone who clicked on a Pornhub video on Saturday got this message: 

Image: screenshot/pornhub

How kind of them! "No need to manually share your video to your friends and family ever again." 

Of course, the "thanks for sharing" feature was a joke, which another message told users after they clicked "Thanks Pornhub!" or "WTF, reverse this now!" 

Image: screenshot/pornhub

April Fools!! 

[H/T Daily Dot

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