Porn Stars Explain How They Ended Up in Picture With Bill Clinton: He Had the Secret Service Call Us Over

On Thursday, a picture of Bill Clinton posing with three porn stars started circulating the Internet. It was apparently taken outside a gala event called “Nights in Monaco” at the Casino in Monte Carlo.

That’s Clinton with, from left, Jennifer Taule, Tasha Reign, and Brooklyn Lee. And for most of Thursday, details about the picture (and the story behind it) were hazy. That is until Reign and Lee called into TMZ and explained what happened.

According to the women, they were seated at the table next to the former president at the gala, and he had looked over at them numerous times. Eventually the girls — who said they think the president is “cute” and are big fans — tried to get a picture with him, but a Secret Service agent shooed them away. But Clinton wasn’t having any of the that.

“So we ended up wandering by and we were going to approach him to take a picture and his Secret Service sort of brushed us away,” Lee explained.

“As we were walking away, Bill actually had the Secret Service guy call us back and take a picture,” she said.

It’s unclear if Clinton knew what the women did for a living, but the girls thought he did. “I kind of feel like he knows,” Lee said.

So there you have it. The story behind the picture is actually (according to the girls) that it was Clinton’s doing. And that’s how a former president of the most powerful country in the world — who was once embroiled in a sex scandal — ended up in a picture with three porn stars.

Let the jokes — like Bill being “over the Hill” and the irony of Lee wearing a blue dress — begin.

By the way, if you’re interested in hearing the entire interview, you can watch it here (CONTENT WARNING: there are some “adult” themes discussed and some salty language). If you do watch, you’ll be treated to Reign saying, “I hope it doesn’t, you know, hurt his reelection, or whatever he’s trying to run for.”

Big fans.

(H/T: Business Insider)

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