Porn-only search engine,, set to launch

It’s no secret: One of the primary things people do online is look for pornography. Heck, you probably landed on this article entirely by accident, while trying to find pictures of things that are illegal in six states.

Well, thanks to the newly established “.xxx” top level domain, you will soon be able to search for whatever your loins desire, without any pesky SFW content muddling the mix: According to The Register, ICM Registry, the company behind .xxx, plans to launch, a search engine that only delivers porn results.

News of was first announced at the YNOT Summit 2011, a trade show devoted entirely to the porn industry, which took place last month in San Francisco. ICM president Stuart Lawley tells The Register that the smutty search engine will only index sites with .xxx domains. About a dozen “premium” .xxx domains, including and, will feed traffic to the search engine, which will make money off of advertising and sponsorships.

We know what you’re thinking: If only includes other .xxx domains, then a whole bunch of my favorite naughty bits will be left out. Which, unfortunately, is true. Not only that, but the porn industry as a whole is chaffing against the ICM and their .xxx domains, which will cost far more to register than a standard .com domain.

Eventually, .xxx will cost around $75. But during the initial launch of the top level domain, which will happen in September, prices are expected to jump into the stratosphere. Pornography publishers also worry that by isolating their business into such a confined space, they will put themselves at the mercy of watchdog groups that hope to stamp-out their very existence.

Fortunately for everybody, Google, Bing and other search engines will also index .xxx domains, along with all the porn you’re already used to. Now, we’ll let you get back to whatever it was that you were doing…