The popularity of the Milwaukee fish fry

Go into about any Milwaukee restaurant, tavern or even the corner bar on a Friday after work, and you’re likely to see diners enjoying fish alongside a classic Wisconsin Old Fashioned.

The crisp crunch of walleye, perch, cod or maybe even bluegill, paired with some type of potato, coleslaw, tartar sauce, a lemon wedge and perhaps a slice of rye bread.

Fish fries are actually so popular in Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers declared Feb. 16, 2024, as Friday Fish Fry Day, honoring the history of the meal. According to his proclamation, the fish fry became popular when a large population of Catholic European immigrants settled in Wisconsin in the 1800s and needed something meat-free to eat on Fridays during Lent.

29. Fish fries in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin serve as a weekly opportunity to gather with friends and family. Gov. Tony Evers declared Feb. 16, 2024, as Friday Fish Fry Day, honoring the history of the meal.
29. Fish fries in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin serve as a weekly opportunity to gather with friends and family. Gov. Tony Evers declared Feb. 16, 2024, as Friday Fish Fry Day, honoring the history of the meal.

Then, during Prohibition, the meal helped to keep Wisconsin’s breweries and taverns alive, too, further cementing the tradition.

Today, fish fries in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin serve as a weekly opportunity to gather with friends and family at your favorite establishment, catch up and swap stories over a plate of deep-fried fish.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: The popularity of the Milwaukee fish fry