Pope Frances – The World’s New Down To Earth Pope

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Rome – The world has a new pope, and by the sounds of things, a humble one. Pope Francis was elected last night, named after Saint Francis of Assisi who was known as “the little poor one” for his renunciation of earthly goods. Pope Francis kicked off his papacy by turning down the papal limousine to take the shuttle bus with the other cardinals for dinner at the Vatican, so apparently, the shoe fits.

In response to the toast in his honour made by the cardinals the new pope said “May God forgive you.”

After changing into the papal robes in what is known as the ‘room of tears,’ the room where the pope first feels the weight of their new role, Pope Francis once again broke with tradition by avoiding the throne like chair set up for the Pope on a platform. Instead he greeted the cardinals from the floor, eye to eye.

Pope Francis was described by New York Cardinal, Timothy Dolan, as “an extra-ordinarily down to earth man – a man of confidence and poise, a beautiful sincerity and simplicity.”

Photo: Courtesy Wikimedia