Politician Reveals His past Scandals and Controversies before Election?!

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Noah Dyer has nothing to hide – because he's aired all his dirty laundry before his opponents can get to it.

His official campaign website includes a “scandals and controversies” tab, where voters can read about his finances and personal life.

They can also read about his romantic escapades. Noah advocates open relationships and says his past includes encounters with multiple women (some of them married) plus on-camera intimacy and racy texts and photos.

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“I'm going to call you a smart politician!” says Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon. “You realize you run for office, they're going to look at your life, now and in the past, under the microscope.”

Noah responds, “I wanted Arizona to know that I'm comfortable with myself, that I'm an honest person, and I'm willing to share anything they want to know.”

Urologist Dr. Jennifer Berman appreciates his hero's journey – he's been homeless at times, and has been through a divorce. She admires his openness about his challenges.

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OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry says that she doesn't respect Noah's choices, although she does appreciate his honesty.

The Doctors agree that this information might make Noah's campaign hard to win, but that we all need more honest politicians!