Political leaders' righteousness is eroding our democracy | Letters

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The Jan. 6, 2021, United States Capital attack has been called an insurrection, yet there are those who would tell you it was a peaceful, nonviolent protest. Many people will also tell us Russian President Vladimir Putin was justified in invading a sovereign, democratic country like Ukraine since it was at one time part of Russia.

Democracies like ours cannot continue to exist where elected officials show a profound disrespect for the rights of its citizens. Unfortunately, that is what is now occurring at every level of government. This attitude of righteousness by too many people in positions of authority is eroding the very institutions that have made our country exceptional in so many ways.

More Opinions

We must protect people’s right to peacefully protest. Pro-Palestine or not.

Biden doesn't have failed border policy. Congress refused to act for our good.

Democracies rely on many people contributing to the healthy functioning of its government. Elected officials are servants of the people who elected them. Input and feedback from citizens are necessary ingredients for responsible decisions from our political leaders.

We need to look critically at the people we put into office and be sure they respect democracy to the fullest extent.

Ken Berg, Watertown

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Democracies need representatives to respect citizens