Polish PM says EU summit on migrants may take place earlier than planned

WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said the European Council which is to deal with Europe's migrant crisis is likely to take place earlier than planned. "These negotiations will start on Monday, when our ministers of the interior are present in Brussels and just after that there will be the summit," Kopacz told public television TVP Info late on Tuesday. "Most likely the summit will be moved to an earlier date from what I know after talks with my European Union colleagues". The next European Council is scheduled for the middle of October. Earlier on Tuesday, Kopacz said Poland could accept more migrants than the 2,000 declared, but under certain conditions, while newly elected President Andrzej Duda said he was against any migrant quotas. (Reporting by Agnieszka Barteczko and Pawel Florkiewicz; Editing by Robert Birsel)