Police warn drivers about checking phones on transfer deadline day

Police warn drivers about checking phones on transfer deadline day

Football fans around the country will be frantically checking their phones for the latest transfer deadline day gossip, however police have warned it could cost motorists penalty points.

Thames Valley and Dorset police have both urged football obsessives to avoid checking for updates when behind the wheel.

Using your mobile for #DeadlineDay updates? You'll have twice as many points as Arsenal if we catch you doing it at the wheel. �� #DontRiskItpic.twitter.com/doBzoQMoiC

— Dorset Police (@dorsetpolice) August 31, 2017

Dorset Police‏ tweeted to motorists “don’t risk it”, while having a sly dig at Arsenal fans about their poor start to the season.

“Using your mobile for #DeadlineDay updates? You'll have twice as many points as Arsenal if we catch you doing it at the wheel,” they wrote.

Keeping up with #DeadlineDay on your ��?

Pls don't check your phone for updates whilst driving,you'll end up with more points than Arsenal.. pic.twitter.com/u2NshjH26D

— Thames Valley Police (@ThamesVP) August 31, 2017

While Thames Valley Police posted: “Keeping up with #DeadlineDay on your mobile? Pls don't check your phone for updates whilst driving, you'll end up with more points than Arsenal.”

The tweets have been popular on social media, attracting thousands of shares and likes.

Tougher new laws were introduced this year for drivers caught using a handheld device at the wheel - they can now receive six penalty points and a £200 fine if caught.

Here are six things you might not know are actually illegal to do while driving.