Police Remove Man From Montana Protest After He Swears at Demonstrators and Swats Their Signs

A man who confronted a crowd of anti-racism protesters in Whitefish, Montana, on June 3, has been charged with disorderly conduct, according to local media.

In video of the incident, Jay Snowden, 51, curses at demonstrators, holds up the middle finger, yells in people’s faces, and knocks numerous protest signs to the ground. The crowd around him chants “Peaceful” throughout the nearly three-minute clip.

Toward the end of the incident, a police officer approaches Snowden and escorts him from the crowd.

A photo taken by Grace Jensen that shows Snowden staring down Samantha Francine, a black anti-racism protester, has gone viral since the June 3 event. Credit: Reidar Johnson via Storyful