Police memorial honors fallen officers in St. Joseph

May 15—While recognizing National Police Week, law enforcement and community members came together Wednesday to recognize officers who have been killed in the line of duty.

Hosted by the Fraternal Order of Police, the Police Officer's Memorial has taken place in St. Joseph since 2000, honoring all the St. Joseph law enforcement officers who have lost their lives while serving.

Nationally, 118 officers were killed in the line of duty during 2023, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Since 1868, in Buchanan County, 13 officers have lost their lives serving, and the families of these fallen officers were honored at Wednesday's memorial.

"Today was just all about celebrating the lives of those officers and also law enforcement troopers, deputies, that have given their lives for this community in Northwest Missouri," said Brendan McGinnis, St. Joseph police detective. "We just live in a busy world and we can take 20, 30 minutes to remember the families who lost someone in this field and are suffering today because of it."

Lexi Dekraai-Ussary, a guest speaker at the memorial and daughter of a fallen St. Joseph officer, lost her father in the line of duty in 2010 and said attending this memorial each year holds a special place in her heart.

"Every single time I'm here, it's emotional for me but good emotions," Dekraai-Ussary said. "Seeing so many people remember his name as well as keeping all the other officers involved has helped support my family in so many ways."

Law enforcement officers share a bond because they serve in a career where their lives are on the line each day, and when a tragedy happens, officers say it's important they continue showing that support.

"The law enforcement community is unique in that tragedy brings us together and we wrap our arms around those families, and we fill the void where we can," McGinnis said. "We go to graduations, we try to remember birthdays and we just try to step in where that missing piece might be. I've never lost a loved one at a young age like Lexi has, so, I can't imagine what she has to go through each day, but we're going to continue doing our part by being there for her and each of the other families by doing stuff like this."

Jenna Wilson can be reached at jenna.wilson@newspressnow.com.