Police issue warning of 'man in car stopping pupils'

The entrance to John of Gaunt school
Wiltshire Police said the man was reported to be stopping pupils from The John of Gaunt and Claredon school's in Trowbridge [Google maps]

Police officers are urging parents and caregivers to be vigilant following a number of worrying reports of a man stopping pupils while driving his car in Trowbridge.

Wiltshire Police said the unknown man, who is said to be aged between 50 and 60 years old, was especially stopping children from The John of Gaunt and Claredon school's in town.

He is described as being white with a bald head and was spotted driving a black vehicle.

Wiltshire Police has asked parents and staff in particular to "pay close attention during school pick up and drop off times".

'Call 999'

"For incidents like this we also ask for those around the area of these schools to be vigilant, call 999 if they see anything of this nature and, if safe to do so, make note of vehicle details," it said.

Anyone who may have witnessed anything is also encouraged to contact police.

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