Poles strike at Ukraine border again

Polish protesters stage border strike at Ukraine border
Polish protesters stage border strike at Ukraine border

Polish protesters staged a one-day strike at the Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv border crossing with Ukraine, the State Customs Service reported on Telegram on May 10.

The Polish side confirmed a one-day strike at the Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv border crossing on May 10, affecting freight traffic for entry and exit from Ukraine. However, passenger cars and buses will continue to move freely, the State Customs Service said.

Read also: Polish opposition leader Kaczynski warns of agricultural threats from EU Green Deal, Ukrainian imports

In Warsaw today, farmers are rallying under the slogan "Away with the Green Deal," the Polish radio reported. Organized by the trade union "Solidarity," the protest in the heart of the Polish capital commenced with a march at noon, with expectations of other professional groups joining.

Tomasz Obszański, the leader of Solidarity, expressed dissatisfaction with the current changes in the EU's climate program. He emphasized that the increases and restrictions stemming from the "Green Deal" would significantly impact the conditions and cost of food production.

Read also: Polish border blockade shows systemic crisis — UA Economy Ministry

Polish protesters began to restrict traffic on the border with Ukraine on Feb. 20. Trucks were blocked at the Medyka-Shehyni, Dołhobyczów-Uhryniv, Zosin-Ustyluh, Korczowa-Krakivets, Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska, and Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoints.

Farmers made numerous demands, including two main ones: refusal of duty-free trade with Ukraine and complete closure of the Ukrainian-Polish border for trucks.

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The European Parliament Committee supported the extension of duty-free trade for Ukraine on March 7.

Polish farmers went on a major strike on March 20, with road blockades and protests taking place across the country. They completely blocked truck traffic at the Yahodyn and Rava-Ruska border crossings.

On April 4, it became known that Poles had changed their decision regarding the agrarian blockade of Ukraine.

Poles unblocked all border crossings with Ukraine, on April 29.

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