Pokemon Go Solstice Event now live: Go catch Fire and Ice Pokemon

With all the craziness surrounding E3 2017 this week, we nearly forgot about the Solstice Event that’s currently taking place in Pokemon Go. As developer Niantic announced last week (shortly after the event was leaked online), the Solstice Event will increase the spawn rates of Fire-type and Ice-type Pokemon from June 13th at 1:00 PM PT through June 20th at 1:00 PM PT.

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According to the Pokemon Go team, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Growlithe, Houndour, Ponyta, Swinub, Vulpix, Sneasel, Magmar, Cloyster will all appear more often during the event, along with each of their evolutions. In addition to the increased spawn rates, players will also receive substantial XP bonuses for capturing Pokemon and hatching eggs. Capturing a Pokemon will grant players 3x the normal amount of XP, as will Nice, Great and Excellent throws, Curveballs and captures on First Throws.

But that’s not all. Players will also receive 5x the normal amount of XP for hatching eggs during the Solstice Event. Plus, players can purchase Lucky Eggs (which double all XP gained) for 50% off in the in-game shop. If you have the time, you can rack up a massive amount of XP this week.

As popular as this event is sure to be for those still playing Pokemon Go, everyone else is anxiously awaiting the first of several major updates planned for this summer. Niantic has already confirmed that “a new update focused on collaborative group gameplay features” will arrive shortly after the Solstice Event ends, and Legendary Pokemon are also expected to arrive relatively soon.

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See the original version of this article on BGR.com