Play of the Day: Yes, the IRS Did Miss an Important Filing Deadline

The scandals surrounding the White House continue to fascinate late night TV writers rooms. On NBC, Jay Leno continues to question what President Barack Obama knew and when did he know it, invoking the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and suggesting the policy shifted to presidential information. Leno also examined Lois Lerner, director of the Internal Revenue Agency's exempt organizations division, invoking her Fifth Amendment rights during a hearing on Capitol Hill this week.

On Comedy Central, Jon Stewart similarly mocked Lerner and her agency's actions during a look at the hearings. Stephen Colbert looked at Majority Leader John Boehner's read on the situation and compared it to a rapper ending a set.

David Letterman is more befuddled by the scandal than outraged. In his monologue, the Late Show host expressed that he couldn't pronounce Benghazi, didn't understand the functions of the IRS and was very interested in a certain type of phone tapping.

Fast forward to 4:00 to see the irony in the IRS' problems with deadlines.