Play of the Day: Remember George W. Bush?

If last night is any indication, late-night hosts miss former two-term president George W. Bush. As the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum is set to open, Jay Leno, David Letterman and Jimmy Fallon all took an opportunity to get in some jokes about it. Leno and Fallon tied Barack Obama’s relationship to Bush, while Letterman rehashed some jokes about Bush’s intelligence.

The situation in North Korea remains tenuous, with Kim Jong-Un and his nuclear arsenal remaining a threat to the United States. Letterman, in particular, got chesty with Kim, showing the status of the hermit kingdom’s nuclear program and calling the dictator a “dope.”

In other jokes, The Daily Show lauded the continuing resolution, Fallon looked at federal cell phone studies and Leno looked at the Obama’s $100 million BRAIN Initiative. Letterman also told viewers his favorite type of political scandal.

Fast forward to 3:40 to see Letterman challenge Kim on camera.