Play of the Day: The IRS Says 'Lets Dance!'

After a week away for Memorial Day, late-night comedy shows came back Monday to the continuing scandals surrounding Barack Obama's White House. Primarily, increased scrutiny brought new revelations about the Internal Revenue Service and its spending. The IRS spent millions of dollars on conferences, which led The Daily Show's Jon Stewart to compare the IRS' spending habits to the famed Players Ball attendees. The Tonight Show's Jay Leno felt that the spending would've gotten more scrutiny, but the IRS isn't a historically Republican-leaning political organization like, for example, the Tea Party.

With videos emerging of IRS employees line dancing on a video the agency paid for, David Letterman wondered if there should be a new box on the 1040 form to contribute to similar agency activities. Commenting on the quality of the dancing in the video, Stewart said he was now convinced that "it would be difficult for the IRS to coordinate anything, let alone a Machiavellian political plot."

Late Night's Jimmy Fallon looked at another of the Obama administration's scandals, aiming his jokes at Attorney General Eric Holder. With the accusation that Holder's Congressional testimony was inconsistent, Fallon wondered aloud about possible next steps for Holder, if the president asks him to step down.

Fast forward to 3:20 to see the some possible jobs for Holder, based on "his look."