Pink didn't just crush the Super Bowl. She also destroyed some dude who said she 'sucks' on Twitter.

All hail Pink who performed the National Anthem ahead of Sunday's Super Bowl 2018 despite battling the flu.

While her singing was the real standout, she also caused a mini stir when she spit something out right before her big performance. The musician clarified what we've been wondering all night: Was it gum or a cough drop?

The answer:

The more you know.

And, on another note, shout out to Pink who, after her performance, took a moment out to call out some dude for tweeting the following ill-advised statement: "If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times. Pink sucks and if you like her singing you're dumb #SuperBowl"

SEE ALSO: Give Pink some love: She's trying to sing at the Super Bowl with the flu

Behold her response:

If we've said it once, we've said it 1,000 times: Don't tweet rude things about a celebrity unless you're willing to weather a public shaming.

See Pink's full National Anthem performance here:

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