Pierce Brosnan Welcomes a Diverse James Bond, Preferably Gay, Black, or Idris Elba

The Elba for Bond campaign continues.

Everyone’s got something to say about who the James Bond torch should be passed on to after Daniel Craig’s run, whose newest Bond flick, Spectre, opens this November, is over. Idris Elba’s name has been thrown in the ring, by Craig himself, according to Elba. Though Former Bond, Roger Moore—number three (out of six) on our list of Bond rankings—said he thinks Bond should be “English-English.” Elba is a Londoner, born and raised, so Moore’s excuse is faulty, but what does he know, he thought Cuba Gooding Jr. would make an “excellent” Bond. Another Bond, this time Pierce Brosnan—dead last in our rankings—is open to a gay or black Bond.

Brosnan told Details magazine that he welcomed the idea of a gay James Bond, but that he wasn’t sure it’d happen in the near future.

"Actually, I don't know how it would work. I don't think [franchise producer] Barbara [Broccoli] would allow a gay Bond to happen in her lifetime. But it would certainly make for interesting viewing."

Then he suggested something perhaps more feasible: a black Bond, while mentioning Elba, of course.

"Let's start with a great black actor being James Bond. Idris Elba certainly has the physicality, the charisma, the presence. But I think Daniel (Craig) will be there for a while yet.”

Or producers could kill two birds with one stone and make Bond gay and black. How historic would that be?

[via New York Daily News]

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