7 Surefire Ways to Spot the Mother of a Newborn

Now that the big kids are back in school and my newborn is officially an "infant", I'm back at blogging and feeling like I've survived a pretty exhausting period. Being a new mom again was pretty jarring. Before I gave birth I had two kids who were wiping their own butts and were able to go to the fridge and get their own snacks. So those first couple months of new motherhood were a shock to the system. You guys know what I'm talking about, right? Like if you had passed me in the supermarket this summer you would have just known I was a new mom. How? Here are 7 ways you know I'm a new mom…again. -By Claire Goss

7 things you should NEVER say to the mom of a newborn
25 powerful photos of women giving birth
The most age-inappropriate baby gear...EVER