10 Ways to Get Your Garden Ready for Fall

By Steve Asbell, Zillow

Fall doesn’t always inspire the same kind of excitement from gardeners as spring, and even the name ‘fall’ lacks that other season’s peppy cheer. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a time for boring chores like raking leaves and digging things up, but there are also lots of fun things to do in fall.

It’s the best time to plant trees and shrubs, it’s cool enough to do all of the digging and other strenuous labor you’ve been putting off all summer, and you can still plant cold-tolerant veggies and flowers. By the time you’re done with this list, maybe fall will become your other favorite time to garden.


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Steve Asbell is the founder of The Rainforest Garden, a blog dedicated to bringing botanical style into your home through DIY projects, gardening, decorating and cooking. He is the author of Plant by Numbers: 50 Houseplant Combinations to Decorate Your Spaceand spends the rest of his time illustrating and spending time with his family.