The photos you post on social media can reveal a lot about your mental health

Photo credit: Raúl Vázquez / EyeEm / Rex Features
Photo credit: Raúl Vázquez / EyeEm / Rex Features

From Harpers Bazaar UK

When we post images to our social media accounts, such as Facebook or Instagram, many of us may choose a filter which makes a sunset even redder, a storm even more contrasting or a green field brighter.

But, while you may not think much about your choices when you edit a photo ready to post, it can actually reveal a lot about your wellbeing, and could even signify depression.

A new psychological study by Harvard University and the University of Vermont has found that there are several key indicators of depression within photos posted to Instagram. See what the visual cues are in the list below:

Most common markers of depression in Instagram photos

  • The images tend to be darker, greyer or bluer

  • Black and white photos are popular, with Inkwell being the preferred filter

  • They feature fewer people and fewer faces, suggesting less social contact

  • Selfies are likely to reveal a sad expression on their face

  • Photos by people suffering from depression often get less 'likes'

Scientists conducting the study asked volunteers to share their Instagram feeds along with their mental health history. Overall, the researchers accumulated 43,950 photos posted to Instagram by 166 different people. The number of people within this collective who had suffered clinical depression within the last three years was 71, just under half of the group.

The photos were analysed for brightness, shade and colour and the markers for depression were detected by a new computer that can recognise depression in photos uploaded to social media with 70% accuracy.

The research also showed that the participants who were healthier and happier preferred to use brightening filters such as Valencia. Warmer hues were popular among this group.

"With an increasing share of our social interactions happening online, the potential for algorithmic identification of early-warning signs for a host of mental and physical illnesses is enormous," Dr Christopher Danforth, study co-author from the University of Vermont, told Mail Online.

"Imagine an app you can install on your phone that pings your doctor for a check-up when your behaviour changes for the worse, potentially before you even realise there is a problem."

The research, published in the journal EPJ Data Science, shows that social media could be used to diagnose mental health problems earlier on and could also lead to the development of mental health apps that could diagnose depression.

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