Pet costs - why do vets charge so much?

Telegraph vet Pete Wedderburn explains the reasons behind pet care fees - Patrick Bolger
Telegraph vet Pete Wedderburn explains the reasons behind pet care fees - Patrick Bolger

Last week, the Telegraph reported on a study which found that 85 per cent of vets said they or a member of their team had felt threatened by clients who were angry at the cost of treatment. When this report was posted on the Telegraph Facebook Page, the responses of commenters was interesting: there seems to be little sympathy for the vets who were being threatened, but plenty of support for those who believe vets charge way too much and feel angry at the high cost of vets’ fees.

Here’s a typical response: “Having spent over 2 grand on a rabbit that cost 10 quid last year, I can see why people get angry.”

Others share a common viewpoint that vets should disregard money altogether: “For people to get into that kind of work, you'd think it would be more about helping animals.”

Given that anger is defined as “an emotional reaction to perceived injustice”, there’s clearly a sense out there that veterinary fees are somehow unfair. Is this true?

Are veterinary fees unfair?

There’s no doubt that vets’ fees are costly, but this does not make them “unfair”. Vets’ fees are unregulated: it’s an open market, with vets competing against each other. In theory, owners can easily shop around to find the best value. By definition, this means that vets’ fees are very likely to be fair: if fees are too high, people are free to move elsewhere for lower fees.

Even if vets worked for nothing, this would still just amount to a 20% discount

In practice, of course, it’s more complicated, because it isn’t always easy for untrained members of the public to understand what vets are selling to them. If one vet says “I can make a diagnosis by examining your pet carefully, using my wisdom and experience”, while another vets says “I need to carry out x-rays, an ECG and an MRI scan in order to make a diagnosis”, how can an owner tell the difference?

It is not easy to remove this sense of the possibility of exploitation by unscrupulous vets, and many members of the public suspect that some vets may be guilty of this, especially when pets are insured and it may feel as if “nobody is really paying for this”.

The best answer is for owners to question their vets closely, asking them to explain the rationale for any recommended procedure. Veterinary science, like any science, can be broken down into simple black and white facts. Vets should be able to justify what they are recommending, using simple logic. If they cannot do this, then perhaps you do need to further question their rationale for a recommend course of action.

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has no jurisdiction on vets’ fees and tries to stay away from the topic, other than referring to the written Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons, which includes a section on fees.

What makes vets’ fees so expensive?

The cost of running a veterinary service is surprisingly high. If you look at a pie chart that shows how the money you give a vet is divided, you may be surprised at the breakdown. As an approximate guide:

  • 20% of the money you hand over goes straight to the government as VAT

  • Around 20% goes to pay for veterinary nurses, receptionists and other support staff

Around 20% goes to pay for the cost of drugs and other stock items

Around 20% goes to pay for building, heating, lighting etc

Around 20% is passed on to the vets, as their income

Pills - Credit: David Rose
Veterinary drugs can also be very expensive, with owners often complaining that they can buy the drugs significantly cheaper online Credit: David Rose

So when people complain about high vets’ fees, which bit of the fees are they complaining about? Even if vets worked for nothing, this would still just amount to a 20% discount, which still leaves a sizeable sum of money to be paid.

The bottom line is that the cost of health care - whether for humans or animals - is high. The “free” nature of the National Health Service means that the public are shielded from the cost of their own health, while the private-only nature of veterinary care means that nothing is subsidised or hidden.

Why does health care cost so much? Medical equipment is expensive to buy and run, from blood testing machines, to physiological monitors (like ECGs, anaesthetic monitors etc), to diagnostic imaging technology ( from x-rays to ultrasound to MRI scanners). It may be possible to offer some types of veterinary care on a budget, but the cost is likely to be a poorer “hit” rate with accurate diagnoses, and therefore less effective treatments, with less favourable outcomes. Few pet owners are prepared to pay that cost.

Veterinary drugs can also be very expensive, with owners often complaining that they can buy the drugs significantly cheaper online. The costs of running an online warehouse are significantly lower than a real life pharmacy in a vet clinic, with the added advantage that significant bulk discounts may be available from wholesalers and drug manufacturers. The only answer to this aspect is for owner to buy online when they can: vets just cannot compete with some of the prices.

The “I’ve never seen a poor vet” statement is a myth

There’s still a myth out there that, somehow, all vets are loaded. If the facts are examined in detail, it’s clear that this is far from the truth. According to the 2015 survey from the Society of Practising Veterinary surgeons, the median salary for a new graduate is £30000, while it’s £50000 for a vet with 11 - 15 years experience.

Information about relative salaries in different professions can easily be found online, and this helps to put veterinary earnings in context.

  • The average salary of a vet with further training and experience, at a small animal practice, is £41,148. Senior vets with over 20 years' experience can earn up to £69,021.

  • Most dentists mix NHS with private work, and earn £50,000 to £110,000. Wholly private dentists can earn £140,000.

Salaried general practice doctors (GPs) earn £55,412 to £83,617 depending on the length of service and experience.

Vets could earn far more if they chose to work in other fields: they work with animals because that’s what they like doing

While vets’ earnings are substantial, they are not excessive, given that vets are amongst the most talented school students who  have invested at least five years of their lives in third level education, with most having a debt of over£80,000 or more to pay back. These individuals could earn far more if they chose to work in other fields: they work with animals because that’s what they like doing. There’s an open market when it comes to employing vets, and this is what controls veterinary salaries. If you believe in free markets, then vets’ salaries are undeniably fair.

The truth is that are plenty of vets with serious financial worries: the business challenge of setting up and running a private veterinary clinic does not always work out well. It’s deeply concerning to the veterinary profession that the suicide rate of the profession is around four times higher than the national average, with money concerns being amongst the underlying causes.

“But I thought vets did their jobs because they loved animals…”

It’s true that the primary motivation for most budding vets is an innate sense of “wanting to care for animals”, and most vets continued to be motivated by that same desire.

However other desires also need attention in vets’ lives, including “wanting to pay for groceries, rent, mortgage, leisure activities, etc”. Most vets try to provide a good quality, affordable service for pet owners, and at the same time to earn enough money to live a balanced life.

There’s always a place for pro bono work, and this happens behind the scenes in most vet clinics for animals in need. But for most pet owners, the costs are the costs, and they need to be paid.

It’s all about good communication

Vets are well aware of the financial challenge for owners when their pets fall ill. Vets are now expected to be upfront and transparent about anticipated costs. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons even includes a section on this topic in the Guide to Professional Conduct. It isn’t always easy to give accurate estimates: animals can develop unexpected medical crises or other complications that need to be dealt with urgently, with no time for consultation with an owner. But in general, if you make it clear to your vet that you need regular updates on what treatment will cost you, they’ll be happy to comply.

Blue Cross - Credit: Heathcliff O'Malley
Animal charities such as Blue Cross can provide free veterinary treatment to sick and injured pets when their owners can’t afford private veterinary fees Credit: Heathcliff O'Malley

Pet insurance: the easiest way to budget for your pet’s care

The fact remains that if you want to care for your pet properly, you will have to pay veterinary fees that can be difficult to afford.  This is the rationale behind the business model of pet insurance: you agree to pay a monthly sum to the pet insurance company, and in return, they promise to cover any necessary expenses if your pet falls ill or has an accident.

It’s sometimes said that vets rub their hands with glee when they hear a pet is insured, and the common misconception is that vets do this because they sense a financial windfall: the truth is that vets are happy when pets are insured because it means that they can give the animal the care that it needs without needing to check back to the owner with updated estimates and discussions, time after time. Pet insurance is seen by vets as a license to give excellent veterinary care, not as a license to print money. Vets are not allowed to charge any more for insured pets compared to non-insured and they’d be seriously penalised if they were found to be doing this.

It’s true that there are challenges for the pet insurance industry: with the advent of new diagnostic modalities and pricey treatment options, it can be difficult to keep a lid on the costs of individual pet’s medical costs. The industry is finding ways of dealing with this challenge, and pet insurance remains the surest way of making sure that you can cover your pet’s health care.

It’s worth checking the cost of insuring your pet even if you don’t intend to take out a policy: it’s likely that this reflects the realistic price of what, on average, you may have to pay the vet (less the 10% or whatever percentage the insurance company may take). If you aim to put this sum to one side, every month, it’s likely to go most of the way towards paying for your pet’s medical costs (unless your pet happens to be one of the outliers who needs highly expensive procedures - such as new hips or rare cancer treatment).  

Is there an alternative to expensive vets’ fees?

Cheap veterinary care is always possible but it’s rarely palatable. Economic euthanasia  - the ending of a life for financial reasons- is a task which most vets dread, and they’ll do their best to avoid it. There are animal charities for the genuinely financially needy, so there is a safety net for those pets whose owners are unable to afford the normal costs.

If you are worried about vets’ fees, the best answer is to phone around your local area when you need to use a vet, and ask for estimates in advance.

Your vet is working on behalf of you and your pet: if you communicate your financial position clearly, most vets are prepared to work with you to stay within your guidelines.

Whatever you do when faced with high veterinary costs, please don’t threaten the vets or their staff: however it may feel like to you, they’re trying to be on your side.