Perry High School graduation honors class of 2024 while remembering principal Dan Marburger

An empty chair sat near the podium for Perry High School’s graduation ceremony on Sunday.

A blue sport coat was draped over the back and a bouquet of red roses rested on the seat. Seniors dropped white flowers into buckets on either side of the chair as they crossed the stage to receive their diplomas.

“His favorite activity as a principal was today, graduation ceremony,” Superintendent Clark Wicks said of the late principal Dan Marburger.

A chair and suit jacket sit on stage to honor the late Dan Marburger, the former principal at Perry High School, during the Class of 2024's graduation Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.
A chair and suit jacket sit on stage to honor the late Dan Marburger, the former principal at Perry High School, during the Class of 2024's graduation Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.

A 17-year-old Perry High School student on Jan. 4 shot and killed 11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff and wounded seven other people, including Marburger before taking his own life. Marburger — who police say tried to intervene to protect students — died 10 days later.

Wicks thanked Marburger for his efforts in coordinating all of the details so each graduating class could enjoy the commencement ceremony.

“He would come up two or three times on graduation day to ensure that all of the chairs were in perfect rows, the windows were clean and he reviewed the graduating names one more time,” Wicks said. “Thank you Mr. Marburger for your 27 years of being Perry High School’s principal.”

Perry Superintendent Clark Wicks gives an address to the class of 2024 Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.
Perry Superintendent Clark Wicks gives an address to the class of 2024 Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.

Senior Class President Kaitlyn Leber said Marburger was known for his words of wisdom during past graduation ceremonies. She reached out to his wife, Elizabeth Marburger, to ask what he would want the class of 2024 to take away from Sunday’s ceremony.

“He would be immensely proud of each and every one of you. This past year has been challenging in ways that we could have never imagined,” Leber said during her speech. “The minutes, hours and days have not been easy, but you have all persevered, continuing to put one foot in front of the other.”

Seniors in Perry's Class of 2024 sit during their commencement ceremony Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.
Seniors in Perry's Class of 2024 sit during their commencement ceremony Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.

While this year will never be forgotten, Leber said Marburger wouldn’t want Jan. 4 to be the defining moment for the graduates.

“We’re destined for so much more and he would want us to use this experience to persevere” in all areas of life,” Leber said.

While Marburger was honored on Sunday, the graduating class was also celebrated. Cheers rang out as the seniors walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. Blue and white confetti flew through the air as the seniors celebrated at the end of the ceremony before they posed for photos with their friends and family.

Confetti flies into the air as the Perry Class of 2024 celebrate their graduation Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.
Confetti flies into the air as the Perry Class of 2024 celebrate their graduation Sunday, May 26, 2024, at Perry High School.

“Class of 2024, I’m beyond grateful and proud of each and every one of you. The memories that have been made over the past four years will forever be cherished,” Bluejay Congress President Callie Steva said. “I wish you the best of luck as we embark on our own journeys, wherever life takes us. As Mr. Marburger always said, ‘Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.’”

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Late principal Dan Marburger honored by seniors at Perry graduation