People who tip off terrorists will feel 'full force of the law' under new sentencing rules

Dominic Raab has announced a change in sentencing rules for aiding terrorists - Bloomberg
Dominic Raab has announced a change in sentencing rules for aiding terrorists - Bloomberg

Anyone who helps terrorists by tipping them off or failing to report them to police will feel “the full force of the law” under new sentencing rules announced by ministers today.

Victims and members of the public will be able to challenge sentences handed out to criminals with terrorist links if they think judges have been too lenient.

The Government believes giving the public the right to demand longer sentences will have a deterrent effect, as well as disrupting plots involving some of the 3,000 suspects currently being monitored in more than 500 operations by MI5 and counter-terrorism police.

This year’s terrorist attacks in Manchester and London have shown how rapidly plots can develop from the moment someone is radicalised to the point where they carry out an attack.

With 23,000 people currently or previously of interest to MI5 or anti-terrorist police, ministers believe every measure possible must be used to halt the spread of extremism.

Flowers on London Bridge - Credit: Getty
Terrorist attacks in London this year have shown how rapidly plots can develop Credit: Getty

Dominic Raab, the Justice Minister, says “relentless” action must be taken against “those who lurk in the criminal twilight zone around the key figures planning attacks”.

Writing in today’s Daily Telegraph, Mr Raab says: “We are determined to wield the full force of the law to punish, deter and disrupt anyone supporting or linked to terrorism.

“The tragic lesson we are increasingly learning, from the London and Manchester attacks this year and others, is that terrorist plots can now develop far more rapidly – from the moment a gullible mind is radicalised, to the planning of an attack. Time pressure is compounded by the scale of the threat.”

The Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme already allows the public to challenge sentences handed down for the most serious terrorist offences, but the Government will today extend the scheme by adding a further nine offences, which carry maximum sentences ranging from two to seven years.

They include tipping off terrorists, failing to report matters to police, carrying out hoaxes using “noxious substances” and failure to comply with Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures.

manchester candles - Credit: AFP
Candles placed in St Ann's Square in Manchester after the suicide bomb attack in May Credit: AFP

Mr Raab writes: “The number of terrorists incarcerated following prosecution has doubled in four years. However, as the threat evolves our strategy must adapt. We must focus, not just on those directly planning or carrying out attacks, but also on those who encourage, help or abet the ringleaders. Doing so drains support from – and disrupts – active terrorist groups.”

Under the ULS scheme, victims and members of the public can ask the Attorney General to challenge prison sentences regarded as too light. The Court of Appeal then decides whether to increase sentences.

Mr Raab describes the scheme as “a valuable check in the system, giving victims and the public a stronger voice in our justice system”.

In 2016 a total of 141 criminals had their sentences increased as a result of applications made under ULS.

Jeremy Wright QC, the Attorney General, said: “The Unduly Lenient Sentencing Scheme added over 400 years of imprisonment to criminal sentences last year.

“While in the vast majority of cases sentencing judges get it right, the ULS scheme gives anyone the ability to challenge sentences within the scheme they think are too low and I’m pleased that more offences will now be included.”

The changes will come into force on January 29.