People in Massachusetts can't even spell 'Massachusetts,' according to Google

While the nation's best spellers are tackling words along the lines of "sylvilagus" and "tibourbou" at the Scripps Spelling Bee finals Thursday, Google has found the rest of the country struggles with some decidedly simpler spellings. 

The most commonly misspelled words in each of the 50 states, according to data compiled from Google searches beginning with the phrase "how to spell," include "desert," "cancelled" and "vacuum."

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Other commonly misspelled words included "Hawaii," ironically by Alaska, and "Massachusetts," by Massachusetts itself. 

Also making the list were a few less commonplace terms; "leprechaun," "croissant" and "boutonniere," which was a tough word to spell for both Hawaii and Google, judging by the company's infographic.  

SEE ALSO: Little girl adorably butchers the spelling of 'grandma'

It happens to the best of us, Google, but maybe it's best to leave the tough spellings up to the experts over at Scripps.