Pelosi: If you’re making ‘over $250,000, you don’t get the pie sweetened for you’ [VIDEO]

In her weekly press briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called President Barack Obama’s tax policy “very clear,” saying that couples bringing in over $250,000 per year do not “get the pie sweetened” for them under his plan.

“The fact is we’ve been very clear. President Obama has said it in his campaign and since then and in this campaign as well. The Democrats want to be — have fairness in our tax code; that we want to go forward with giving — having the tax cuts for those making over $250,000, a couple making over $250,000, to have those tax cuts expire,” said Pelosi on Thursday at the Capitol.

“What that is is a tax cut for 100 percent of the American people. It’s just that over $250,000, you don’t get the pie sweetened for you. And with that, to say when we go down hat path and inject some more certainty into our economy and our fiscal soundness, we then go to the table, put everything on the table and talk about tax fairness, tax simplification. You cannot do it dribs and drabs. You have to do it comprehensively.” (SEE ALSO: Pelosi made between $1-5 million on Asian investments in 2011)

The Republican-led House passed a one-year extension of the Bush tax cuts for every income bracket on Wednesday.

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