After pause, Larimer County health department nixes vaccine verification program

Larimer County health officials announced Friday they will no longer pursue the implementation of an optional vaccine verification program and will instead focus on new ways to fight COVID-19.

The proposed program would have allowed businesses to opt out of the county's current mask mandate if the business required staff and patrons to be fully vaccinated.

The optional program received significant backlash after it was announced along with the mask mandate Oct. 15, and county officials put the plan on pause Oct. 21 to gather additional community feedback before officially squashing the program Friday.

People from across Colorado, and even across state lines, gathered outside the Fort Collins office of the Larimer County health department earlier this month to protest the concept of vaccine passports. Several people have also spoken against the proposed program and the mask mandate at the Board of Larimer County Commissioners' weekly meetings Tuesday mornings.

"Optimistic about new opportunities to fight COVID-19," the county health department will focus on administering booster shots and pediatric vaccines, and increasing access to monoclonal antibody treatments, according to a Friday news release.

More: Larimer County's indoor mask mandate began Oct. 20. Here's what you need to know.

Booster shots and vaccines for kids

As of this week, all fully vaccinated adults in Colorado are eligible for a booster shot. Booster shots are recommended six months after a person's last Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two months after a person's Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

Boosters literally give the immune system a "boost," according to the health department, reducing the chance of infection and transmission of COVID-19.

"With the emergence of the Delta variant, we are seeing a decrease in the effectiveness of the initial two vaccine doses," Larimer County Medical Director Paul Mayer said in the news release. "The booster dose has been shown to significantly increase the immune response to better protect us from infection."

About 44,200 — or 12.4% — of Larimer County residents have received a booster dose of the vaccine, according to Friday's news release.

Looking for a booster?: Here's where to get a COVID-19 booster shot in Northern Colorado

Children ages 5-11 also became eligible for the pediatric Pfizer vaccine last week. While children this age are unlikely to get severely ill from COVID-19, they are likely to catch and spread the disease to others, the health department said. Getting more children vaccinated will also reduce quarantines and allow students to continue learning in-person without disruptions, it noted.

The delta variant of COVID-19 is highly contagious and is the most common variant spreading in Colorado, according to state data.

In general, vaccines reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalizations or developing long-term COVID-19 complications, according to health officials. Colorado's hospital capacity is reaching dire levels, with state health officials estimating the state will exceed its current ICU capacity by the end of the year due to the latest surge in COVID-19 cases.

More: Here's where to get COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in Larimer County

To meet the increased demand for booster shots and pediatric vaccines, the county health department says it has more than doubled the number of vaccine appointments available, expanded clinic hours and hired additional staff at the Fort Collins and Loveland health department locations.

COVID-19 treatments

The county is also looking to expand treatment options for those who test positive for COVID-19, including monoclonal antibody treatment and potential oral antiviral treatment. Both treatments can help prevent severe illness and the need for hospitalization, according to the county.

Monoclonal antibody treatment is an option for those who test positive for COVID-19 and have mild or moderate symptoms. The treatment is administered on an outpatient basis and can be administered through an IV or four injections.

Learn more: Here's where you can get monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 in Larimer County

Pfizer has said its Paxlovid oral antiviral treatment was 89% effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 in its clinical trial, and the trial data is being submitted to the FDA to receive emergency use authorization, according to the county.

The approval of an oral treatment "would be a game changer" in treating COVID-19, making it easier to treat larger groups of people "with an effective, easily managed treatment," according to the county news release.

“I am optimistic that these new opportunities to fight the virus will contribute to reducing the burden of COVID-19 in Larimer County hospitals, which will assist in decompressing our hospitals and freeing up beds for all medical needs,” Larimer County Public Health Director Tom Gonzales said in the news release.

How to get a COVID-19 vaccine

People looking to get a COVID-19 vaccine, booster shot or pediatric vaccine can find more information and make an appointment at

COVID-19 news: Colorado hospitals could reach capacity by end of year as COVID surges, health officials warn

Sady Swanson covers public safety, criminal justice, Larimer County government and more throughout Northern Colorado. You can send your story ideas to her at or on Twitter at @sadyswan. Support her work and that of other Coloradoan journalists by purchasing a digital subscription today.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Larimer County drops idea of vaccine verification program