Paula Abdul Is Open To Returning To ‘American Idol’

Paula Abdul is more than willing to mentor potential singers on ABC’s upcoming “American Idol” reboot.

While speaking with Entertainment Tonight over the weekend, the 54-year-old singer said that she no longer sees herself judging on any reality TV competition. However, if the people behind the reboot will ask her to participate in “American Idol,” she would be on board.

“I don’t think I’d do the judging thing anymore? But if they ever called me and they needed help or mentoring with kids, or anything like that. That’s what I do, that’s who I am,” she said.

Read: Will Simon Cowell return as judge on “American Idol” reboot?

Abdul was also asked to comment on rumors that Katy Perry closed a $25 million contract to be a judge in “American Idol.” The “Knocked Out” simply said, “good for her.” However, Abdul clarified that she never received such a hefty amount when she was on “American Idol” for several seasons.

Meanwhile, the same publication also spoke with “American Idol” former judge Randy Jackson, and he said that he’s happy to hear about the reality TV show’s return. When asked if he will ever return to the show if he’s invited by the producers, he joked about replacing Ryan Seacrest as host.

“They wanted me to take Ryan Seacrest’s job because they said, ‘Look, man, look, you got it. You know how to do it, dog.’ I would only host with Ryan. He’s my friend. You know let’s see – Kelly and Ryan, Ryan and Randy. Oh man. It’s gonna work man. I feel it!” he joked.

Last week, Simon Cowell also responded to rumors that he will be returning as judge. While speaking with Deadline, the “America’s Got Talent” producer said that he doesn’t think he will ever be back on “Idol.” “I don’t really have any involvement in that show, other than my time spent on it. I doubt very much I would ever be involved in that show again,” he said.

“American Idol” reboot is expected to premiere on ABC sometime next year. Originally, NBC tried to score rights to the reality TV competition, but it didn’t happen due to potential conflict of interest. The network is already home to “The Voice” and “America’s Got Talent.”

Paula Abdul
Paula Abdul

Will Paula Abdul judge or mentor the new breed of singers who will compete in “American Idol”? Pictured: Abdul at the 2015 American Music Awards in Los Angeles on Nov. 22, 2015. Photo: Reuters/David McNew

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