Patriots’ Thanksgiving: Three things to be grateful for

Patriots' Thanksgiving
Patriots' Thanksgiving

Coming from all walks of life, New England Patriots’ fans around the nation get to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow and hopefully get to enjoy some quality family time and time off from work. We as Patriots’ Nation go beyond our differences of opinion on things in life with our one common agreement, the New England Patriots are the best team in the NFL.


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With Thanksgiving on Thursday, let’s celebrate our own Patriots’ Thanksgiving and acknowledge three things we as Patriots’ fans should be grateful for with our football team.

  1. Best quarterback in the league with Tom Brady.

The New England Patriots’ Thanksgiving kicks off with celebrating our quarterback in Tom Brady. If there is anything to be grateful for on a Patriots’ Thanksgiving, it should be franchise players and Tom Brady is the perfect example of a franchise player.

When Tom Brady took over the starting quarterback job from Drew Bledsoe, the New England Patriots’ fortunes turned for the better instantly. The late round draft pick by the New England Patriots turned into a star and is considered, debatably, the greatest quarterback of all time.

Brady has the numbers to back this bold claim and the rings as well. Patriots’ fans, be grateful for Tom Brady on this Patriots’ Thanksgiving.

2. Best head coach in the league with Bill Belichick.

Good old Bill Belichick… what is there left to say about the legend? Six Super Bowl rings, (four of which came as a head coach for the Patriots), puts him as nothing short of a football genius.

When Bill Belichick was hired by the New England Patriots, the Patriots were not what they are today. Sure, some will argue that is because of the emergence of Tom Brady as the GOAT but Bill Belichick has been there behind the scenes as the hooded brains of the operation.

Brady and Belichick go hand-in-hand really and the dynasty the two have built over the past fifteen years is nothing short of miraculous. On this Patriots’ Thanksgiving, be grateful for the brilliant head coach leading our team and the best in NFL history.

3. Four Super Bowl rings and more on the horizon.

Four Super Bowl rings in the Brady-Belichick era. Fifteen years of consistent, quality football teams where legendary players have come and gone and still the Patriots have endured.

Each Super Bowl team was special and different with some of the biggest moments in Patriots’ history happening on these historic Super Bowl runs. The Tuck Rule Game with Adam Vinatieri’s kick in the snow against the Oakland Raiders. The three titles in four years to establish themselves as a dynasty. Malcolm Butler’s shocking interception in the Super Bowl establishing himself as one of the premiere defensive backs in the league.

One could go on for ages with Patriots’ playoff and Super Bowl stories. What is most important for Patriots’ fans to be thankful for on a Patriots’ Thanksgiving, the fact that every year a Super Bowl title is within the teams reach. Not many NFL franchises can say that and that is why it is so important to be grateful for what the Patriots’ franchise has.

So, Thanksgiving, there is tons of things to be thankful for on this holiday varying from person to person. In Patriots’ Nation, there is a lot to be thankful for in our beloved franchise. As far as NFL fan bases go, Patriots’ Nation is possibly blessed the most out of any group.

On this Patriots’ Thanksgiving, remember everything that has become of the New England Patriots’ franchise and how grateful we should be as fans to have such a great team for which to cheer.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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