Patrick Stewart wants us to believe he's a cowboy singer now

After Brexit, it appears Sir Patrick Stewart has found a new home on the range.

The venerable Shakespearean actor, who has also stolen scenes as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek and Professor Charles Xavier in X-Men, has inexplicably shown up in a YouTube video, singing cowboy songs. 

We don't really understand it.

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The video was sneakily announced on Stewart's Twitter account June 30, along with a picture of him in full western regalia, holding a guitar with what is presumably his backup band. It appears to be a mock infomercial to sell a group of albums of Stewart singing songs from the prairie titled Patrick Stewart's Cowboy Classics.

And then, to celebrate the roots of his new passion project, he posted a message today.

He wished America a happy Fourth of July, he called himself "Cowboy Pat" and we don't know what's happening.

The video provides a link to a website to "sell" the albums, but aw, shucks, they appear to be all sold out. 

You can listen to Cowboy Pat sing some of his favorites above. We will keep trying to figure out why this exists and whom we should blame for it.