Pastor reacts after trailer of Bibles burned outside his church

MT. JULIET, Tenn. (WKNR) – On Easter Sunday, someone burned a trailer full of Bibles near Global Vision Bible Church.

“I think the fact that they chose to do that on Easter, the Bible, was very in your face,” Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke said.

Locke told News 2 he felt targeted, recounting surveillance footage showing a trailer full of Bibles being driven to the intersection in front of his church, doused with gasoline, and lit on fire.

PREVIOUS: Trailer with Bibles inside intentionally set on fire in Wilson County on Easter Sunday, officials say

The church’s security team did not share the video with News 2, saying they did not want to compromise the investigation.

“I think they knew that we were going to have an extra barrage of people that are going to be here visiting from all over the country, and so it blocked the main entrance to the church, and so it was unfortunate. You know, we get a lot of push back. We get a lot of hate for some of our religious and political stands, but to see the Bible disrespected that way was a little unfortunate,” Locke said.

The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office told News 2 they’re investigating whether or not this incident was a hate crime. That all depends on if they find this was a “bias-motivated” act.

News 2 also asked Locke about alleged book burnings at the church, including Harry Potter books, and if he thinks that could have played a role.

“State law of Tennessee says that a church that would deem something occultic, they’re able to burn it, and so people hear ‘book burning.’ Books were the minimal amount of what we burned. It was Ouija boards, it was charms and statues and amulets and all type of things that people want to separate from that they would see as to be witchcraft,” Locke said.

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According to Locke, Global Vision Bible Church has held roughly four of these events, mostly around Halloween. He said he doesn’t think it justifies burning Bibles.

“People, they threaten us on a regular basis and Satanists and people that claim to be witches and warlocks come here and put Satanic Bibles in our church, and so I don’t know if it was some type of retaliation. I just think it was unfortunate, especially on Resurrection Sunday,” Locke said.

He added the FBI responded to the scene Sunday morning as part of the investigation. However, the FBI cannot confirm or deny their involvement.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office at 615-444-1459.

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