Past and Present Meet in Jessica Chastain's 'It' Sequel Photo of Beverly

Beverly’s all grown up in It: Chapter Two, and now there’s what looks like a fun — but totally unofficial — photo of actress Jessica Chastain alongside her younger self.

On Wednesday, Chastain tweeted out an image captioned “Passing of the red balloon…” while tagging the official Twitter account for the It movies. The photo features Sophia Lillis, who played Beverly Marsh in the first It (2017), passing a red balloon across a table to Jessica Chastain, who’s playing the same character in Chapter Two. Both actresses are wearing the same pale blue dress, offering cool visually symmetry.

But several details in this photo make it seem like it’s probably photoshopped by “shaunwatson,” whom gets photo credit from Chastain in the tweet. There’s an unnecessary red helium tank that’s oddly proportioned and blocking Chastain’s foot, as if whoever made this photo needed to obscure them.

Either way, if Chastain liked the photo enough to share it, then that’s good enough for us.

Further sleuthing tells me that the base for the photo was actually from a Rogue Magazine photoshoot as part of a feature on Lillis in 2017. And the image of Chastain comes from photographer Chad Batka for The New York Times back in 2012. What’s truly a bit eery is that both actresses wore almost identical dresses and came to play the same role.

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Chastain was the first Chapter Two cast member confirmed back in April. And earlier this July, the official It movie Twitter account shared a photo at the first table read for Chapter Two, confirming James McAvoy, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Bill Hader, and Andy Bean as the rest of the adult Losers’ Club.

There’s no telling when we might get some more legit photos or trailers for It: Chapter Two, but for the time being, this excellent fan Photoshop job will do just fine.

It: Chapter Two will be released on September 9, 2019.

Photos via Warner Bros. Pictures

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