This 'passive-aggressive art gallery' is the perfect petty roommate prank

Twitter learned a valuable lesson this week: passive-aggressively pranking your messy roommate can double as fine art.

To be fair, not all messy roommates are  created equal. There's the saucepan-in-sink roommate, for example, who likes to fill dirty pots with water and "let them soak" for weeks. There's the couch roommate, who stores at least a quarter of their belongings on the sofa for reasons you'll never understand.

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And then there's the cutlery caper, who doesn't not do the dishes, per se, but has a nasty habit of leaving single pieces of unwashed cutlery around. A peanut butter knife, a sour cream spoon—nothing big, but annoying nonetheless.

For comedian Justin Cousson, who appears to live with a cutlery caper (albeit one with a few other vices), this was the perfect fodder for a "passive-aggressive art gallery."

Here are a few of the finest pieces. We're particularly drawn to "Cheese Knife," which seems to have cheese stuck to its handle for some reason.

Critics seem to be pleased. "The curation is stunning," wrote one fellow tweeter. "So elegant and simple, yet innovative, truly a breath of fresh air."

No word yet on when this hits The Whitney, but we'll keep you updated when it does, because it absolutely should.

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