Party Pants, Old Gorillas, and An Epidemic of Duets

Party Pants, Old Gorillas, and An Epidemic of Duets

We respect and value the social media editors who share the links that make our job easier. But sometimes, we have no idea what they are talking about. So after a long day spent staring at Twitter, we're sharing our favorites.

Time to put on your party pants

— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) March 9, 2012

Don't tell us when it's time to put on pants. We don't respond well to that.

An old gorilla gets a friend.

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 9, 2012

Just wait: In two years, every network is going to have a pilot about an old gorilla and his new friend trying to make it in the big city. But by then, everyone will have moved on to something else, like a brilliant but antisocial West Texas football coach who becomes a criminal profiler.

Signs of Nastiness in the Dennis Quaid Divorce Documents

— TMZ (@TMZ) March 9, 2012

There's a certain zen beauty to this tweet. And also, an intriguing amount of hedging: Could what TMZ sees as nastiness actually be something else altogether?  

The knock-off wonders of the world | (via @TIMENewsFeed)

— (@TIME) March 9, 2012

If it doesn't include the Luxor Hotel and Casino, it's not a list of knock-off wonders of the world. Harsh, but that's our policy.

Lionel Richie to Enter Apollo Theater Hall of Fame, and Then, He Says, 'An Epidemic of Duets'

— artsbeat (@artsbeat) March 9, 2012

It will be more of a hail of duets. Same basic premise, though.