Pablo Escobar: How Fidel Castro Was Involved With The Colombian Drug Lord

Pablo Escobar and Fidel Castro brother Raul communicated using letters
Pablo Escobar and Fidel Castro brother Raul communicated using letters

Pablo Escobar is widely regarded to be the most powerful and richest drug lord to ever have lived. Born in Antioquia, Colombia in 1949, he was able to dominate the cocaine drugs trade in the late 80s and early 90s, supplying about 80 percent of the drug being used in the United States. Having come from a poor background, he is said to have been incredibly ambitious, even at a young age, at one time telling his friends that he would one day become the president of Colombia, an ambition that he pursued as an adult.

#PabloEscobar top trapper of all time? RIP ????????????

A photo posted by Say Cheese (@saycheesetv) on Dec 2, 2016 at 11:21am PST

One of the key elements that enabled Pablo Escobar’s drug trafficking network to grow so fast was the location of Colombia. The country bordered two countries, Peru and Bolivia, where coca cultivation was thriving. The United States, its main market, was just a short distance away from the north, granting him easy access to two vital aspects of the business, the market, and the supplier.

#pabloescobar ????

A photo posted by ????????Özkan Karaca???????? (@ozkan.karaca) on Dec 4, 2016 at 6:23am PST

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Pablo Escobar: How Fidel Castro Was Involved With The Colombian Drug Lord is an article from: The Inquisitr News