The Overripe Fruits of Sean Parker's Labor on Twitter

Sean Parker, the partyboy genius worth an estimated $2.1 billion, wants everyone to back off him about being the 1 percent--he "was broke and couch surfing just a few years ago!" This didn't go over too well. But as we've learned with Sean Parker since, well, as long as anybody has known who Sean Parker is, he's an agent of disruption. Yes, Parker has upended the music industry (twice), light a fire under Mark Zuckerberg's ass to build the world's largest and arguably most important social network (and be summarily pushed out of the company) and become one of the world's youngest billionaires. But nowhere is Parker's disruptor capabilities felt more strongly or appear more unfiltered than on Twitter. After announcing that he was ready to start tweeting, Parker told Daily Intel, "I'll labor over all 140 characters." Now that he's just over three weeks into his Twitter career, we give you a small sampling of the fruits of that labor.

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