It's Over for Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana

Actors Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana have split up for a second time, apparently. Page Six says that the pair, who broke up last March only to get back together this fall, were supposed to spend New Year's Eve in Paris with Cooper's family, but Cooper ended up going it alone, while Saldana spent her evening in Miami with friends. Supposedly the couple couldn't make it work because of their busy schedules, with Cooper doing awards-blitz stuff for Silver Linings Playbook, and shooting a commercial of some sort in Prague, and Saldana doing Star Trek and a movie with Mila Kunis. But might there be another reason? I mean, for the change in New Year's Eve plans, anyway? Might it simply be that spending New Year's Eve in a warm place with your friends and family might be a little more fun than going somewhere cold with your boyfriend's boring old people? That might be all it is! Or they might be finito, finished, done for good. Either way, they'll be fine. I mean, they have to be. If we have to worry about the world's most beautiful and rich people not finding love, then where is the hope for the rest of us jerks? So, yes, they will be OK. Better than OK. No matter what happens, they'll have no trouble at all. We — I mean they — will be just fine. [Page Six]

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Bethenny Frankel and her husband Jason Hoppy will likely get worse before they get fine, as they plan to divorce, and soon will come the inevitable questions about who gets what in the split. Though Hoppy is no slouch, Frankel is clearly the chief breadwinner in the relationship, and is said to have possibly pulled in some $55 million from 2010-2011, mostly from the sale of her Skinnygirl Margaritas. Yeah, so she's a millionaire margarita saleswoman and she may have to lose some her assets in this divorce. She'll likely hold on to the couple's $5 million TriBeCa apartment, in the same building as Jay and Bey, but she'll probably have to toss some scratch Jason's way, despite a prenup. Anyway, the split is "amicable," so it shouldn't be too much of a bloodbath either way. But if we may, let's return to those two figures: $55 million in one year, and a $5 million apartment. Say what you will about Bethenny Frankel, but it's undeniable that she won. From Celebrity Apprentice to nakedly, and respectably for it, ambitious pitch woman on Real Housewives of New York, she has become the mogul she set out to be and boy must that make some of the other Housewives furious. Oh gosh, it must grind their grits. I mean, obviously Jill Zarin is the one who most seethes with anger at the thought of Bethenny's vast success, but there are likely more cast members, past and present, who resent  her business acumen — while they sadly emulate it. Gretchen Rossi wondering why Beautay isn't taking off. That Alexis Boobington and her mansion lounge wear fashions. Lynn with her cuffs. I guess those are all Orange County dames, but there are undoubtedly more from other seasons. Bethenny Frankel won, career-wise at least, and we can't imagine that sits well with lots of the other ladies. We just can't imagine it, which is kinda fun to think about. [Us Weekly]

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Fashion designer turned slightly burned cocoa bean Valentino Garavani had a big ski party in Gstaad on New Year's Eve that drew the likes of Madonna and Anne Hathaway, and got his neighbors very upset. There was too much loud music they told police, but this being Valentino's party with all of his famous guests, there wasn't much the police can or were willing to do. Some friend of Page Six tells them, "A number of residents complained to the police as it was echoing around the mountain, and one officer went to speak to someone at the gate of Valentino’s chalet. But it didn’t seem to make much difference, and the music just carried on." Yup. Not much you can do about very rich people having parties for other very rich people. Apparently they were blasting a lot of Madonna songs, while Madonna was there. Which is gross and weird, of course, but what else would you expect? Really, everyone is just lucky they didn't cause an avalanche, what with "Human Nature" bouncing around the mountains like that. Imagine if Madonna and Anne Hathaway had been buried under an avalanche for a while. That would be terrible! Stuck in Valentino's house, eating tins of sardines, slowly going mad like Homer and Mr. Burns in the company retreat episode. Oh, and, Hathaway having to miss the Oscars maybe, not being able to give her speech. Gosh, that would be just terrible... just awful. Oh, well. [Page Six]

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The paparazzo who was hit by a car and killed after trying to get pictures of Justin Bieber getting a traffic violation — turned out it was friends using Justin's car — apparently made the Canadian tattoo-angel's life very unpleasant. Like, would not leave the kid alone and was constantly making up lies about him. Though, over on E! they're saying that this Chris Guerra was a nice guy who never gave anyone any problems: "He never wanted to piss off anybody, was nice to all the celebrities and paps. He never had a problem with any guys. He was not your ordinary mosquito. He wasn't a crazy pap. He would just get too excited." Which... OK, that's from a colleague. I mean, "never wanted to piss off anybody"? By constantly following them around and taking pictures of them? Making that your career? I think that might piss someone off even if you didn't exactly intend to piss someone off. Just saying. Who knows if he was really "stalking and harassing" or whatever, but the case could be made that in the eye of the beholder, namely the person being constantly followed and photographed, whether or not Guerra or his coworkers thought it was stalking and harassing, it might have felt like that. Let's not have some tired old paparazzi discussion, but I think we can be sorry about a human being's death, and a young one's at that, while also still recognizing that "he was nice to all the celebrities" is sort of a bullsh-t thing to say when we're talking about people who follow cars down highways and take photos of what they think are their traffic stops in order to catch them smoking weed, as Guerra thought he was. That doesn't sound very "nice" to us. [TMZ; E!]

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Curious who got engaged over New Year's, celebrity-wise? Well, here's who got engaged. That we know of, anyway. NeNe Leakes maybe got engaged to her own damn ex-husband. Rider Strong proposed, successfully, to his girlfriend. Some dude on CSI:NY popped the question in some place called Turtle Bay. A Hawaiian resort, though, not Midtown East. And Food Network star Anne Burrell got engaged to fellow chef Koren Grieveson. So, that's what we know about. Of course, as Kate Winslet's famous Ned Rocknroll surprise marriage proved to the world, we don't always know when famous people are engaged. I mean, Charlize Theron could be engaged to someone named Bob Rhythmandblues and we would have no idea. That's the way the really mysterious celebrities work. We think this is everyone famous who are now affianced post-New Year's, but there's always the possibility that Sandra Bullock is quietly wearing a ring given to her by Jim Electrofunk. [People]

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That Twilight actor Bronson Pelletier was caught, on video, peeing in an LAX gate after being escorted off a plane for being too drunk. The video is really depressing, as is the whole situation. Sure, ha ha, guy with an obvious problem got wasted and peed in public, indoors. But I don't think any of us would like it if something super embarrassing that we did while drunk, or otherwise, made it to the gossip rags, despite how also rude and stupid it was. But still, here it is. Watch if you must. [Daily Mail]