Over 8,000 people submit applications to join the Offensive Guard

Ihor Klymenko, Acting Minister of Internal Affairs, has said that over 8,000 people submitted applications to join the Offensive Guard.

Source: Ihor Klymenko on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast

Quote from Klymenko: "As of today, over 8,000 people have submitted applications to join the Offensive Guard. All of them will be interviewed and go through checks.

The largest number of volunteers have signed up to join the National Guard, which also has more brigades. The National Guard has six brigades, whereas the National Police has one and the State Border Service also has one.

The recruitment process will last 60 days. It is not a straightforward process. We interview each applicant. They have to go through a military medical exam. We test their physical and mental ability and conduct special checks. Only people without a criminal record can serve."

Details: Klymenko also said that if an applicant wants to join the intelligence, they have to undergo additional tests. If they want to join a mortar unit, they will get training operating a mortar.

He stressed that the main task of the Offensive Guard will be to liberate Ukrainian territory occupied by Russian forces. "We will work on the offensive. While the Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding the line, we will prepare to liberate our territory," Klymenko said.

For reference: People can join the Offensive Guard online at storm.mvs.gov.ua or at designated centres for the provision of administrative services. The hotline 0800100020 is also available.

Those willing to join can choose a military unit that resonates with their spirit, sign up and undergo several months of mandatory combat training.

Volunteers may choose one of the following:

  • The Border of Steel (brigade of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine)

  • The Red Viburnum (the brigade already includes heroes who took part in the battles in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts or defended Kyiv)

  • The Rage (brigade of the National Police of Ukraine)

  • Rubizh [Frontier, also pay on the name of the city of Rubizhne -ed.] (heroes who defended the Gostomel Airfield or the city of Rubizhne in Luhansk Oblast have already entered the ranks of the brigade)

  • The Spartan (powerful assault brigade that defended the city of Kharkiv)

  • The Kara-Dag ["revenge for Crimea," also a play on words: Kara-Dag is a name of a mountain in Crimea and also means "revenge" in Ukrainian -ed.] (the brigade will participate in the liberation of Crimea)

  • The Hurricane ("brigade destroying the Russian military," so described by an adviser to the Interior Minister)

  • The Azov (a legendary unit, one of the main units that defended Mariupol)


  • On 2 February, Ihor Klymenko, Acting Minister of Internal Affairs, said that the Interior Ministry started forming assault brigades known as Offensive Guard to strengthen the Defence Forces and liberate the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

  • The National Police explained that Ukraine is preparing for the liberation of Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea from the Russian occupiers, therefore the Ministry of Internal Affairs is forming eight assault brigades of the Offensive Guard and inviting volunteers to join.

  • The National Guard emphasised that all fighters from the Offensive Guard will be provided with benefits, including the opportunity to receive housing and medical treatment, as well as study at a university.

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