These Organizations Are Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah


Cease-fire talks between Israel and Hamas have hit a road block as Israel pushes an offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where tens of thousands of civilians sought shelter amid Israel’s incursion in Gaza, and now face an increasingly dire humanitarian crisis. Aid for civilians has been extremely limited across Gaza, where the United Nations warns famine is imminent. In Rafah, shortages have already forced one hospital to end operations, while the two remaining hospitals are rapidly running out of resources, according to the World Health Organization. More than 360,000 Gazans have fled the city since the Israeli military called for evacuation on Monday, May 6.

For the past seven months, Rafah has been a crucial passage for humanitarian aid in and out of Gaza, after Israel began a full military response to the October 7 Hamas attack that killed approximately 1,200 Israelis. According to the Associated Press, at least 34,500 Gazans have been killed by Israel’s incursion. UNICEF has warned that there is “nowhere safe to go” for the children of Gaza.

As the threat against Rafah has escalated, so too has the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Though it can be difficult to know how exactly to help in a situation like this, tangible actions can be taken to support humanitarian relief, including donations to organizations like the ones below.

These are a few of the organizations working to provide humanitarian aid in Rafah.

International Rescue Committee

The IRC has delivered emergency aid to conflict zones across the world, through its network of educators, first responders, relief workers, and healthcare providers. It has partnered with Medical Aid for Palestinians to bring emergency medical teams and direct care to hospitals in Gaza, as well as Anera to help offer psychosocial services to children sheltering in schools in Rafah. You can donate to the IRC here.

Save the Children

This organization responds to children affected by global conflict and displacement and has contributed support to Palestinian youth since 1953. With stations in the West Bank and Gaza, the organization has provided shelter, medical aid, and water to children over the past seven months; it plans to scale up its services through mental health support and continued distribution of essential supplies. You can donate directly here.


This United Nations agency has dispatched supplies spanning nutrition, healthcare, and sanitation to Gazan children and has set up an emergency relief fund for mental health and psychological support to help young people cope with trauma. You can designate your donation to children globally or those directly in Gaza and West Bank here.

World Central Kitchen

Calling themselves, “food first responders,” World Central Kitchen goes to the front lines of humanitarian, climate, and community crises to provide meals to those impacted or displaced. Since the October 7 Hamas attack, World Central Kitchen has operated in Gaza, Lebanon, and Israel to help people impacted by the war. On April 1, an Israeli attack killed seven of the group’s aid workers, causing them to halt operations in Gaza briefly. They are now back in Gaza, where they have field kitchens in both Rafah and Deir al-Balah. You can donate to their relief efforts here.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue