OnPolitics: Just when you thought we were done with Iowa

OnPolitics: Just when you thought we were done with Iowa

Iowa. amirite?

Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, has resigned. He does so as the party continues to sort out final results from a caucus that candidates have since moved on from.

Here's a helpful recap in bullet point fashion for anybody lucky enough to miss how things spiraled, courtesy of the staff of the Des Moines Register, a member of the USA TODAY Network. That's us, btw. We're the USA TODAY Network.

  • Problems with a new cell phone app used to report results were rampant

  • Chaos enveloped a call center that should have acted as a failsafe backup

  • The data presented to the public even after days of "quality control" checks remained riddled with errors.

  • More than a week after the party's Feb. 3 caucuses, final results from the night are still not available.

  • Results from Tuesday's New Hampshire primary have already been called and Democratic presidential campaigns have moved into Nevada and South Carolina.

So, what's going on with Biden?

Thankfully, New Hampshire was Johnny-on-the-spot with their primary results, which came in cleanly Tuesday night. Bernie Sanders took the victory. Amy Klobuchar did so well that "Klomentum" became a thing.

Where was Biden? He finished so poorly in New Hampshire and Iowa that USA TODAY's Susan Page wrote: If Biden doesn't score a convincing win in the South Carolina primary Feb. 29 – not impossible but a challenge – his third bid for the presidency could be effectively over, and with it a career in elective office that spanned six decades.

Oh, it's Susan's birthday today. Be sure to wish her a happy birthday. You can usually find her being great on Twitter.

Let's talk about the Roger Stone situation

So. Trump associate Roger Stone is up for sentencing like next week. But there was a plot twist after President Trump tweeted his disapproval of the sentencing recommendations.

Things got interesting soon after. To the bullet points we go:

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Iowa caucus: Troy Price resigns from Iowa Democratic Party