The only thing better than the 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer is this parody

By now you've probably watched the latest trailer for Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War a million times. Don't worry, we're not judging you. But while that trailer is fantastic and all, there is another one that might be better. 

For an English class project, students cobbled together a frame-for-frame remake of the trailer. If you can't wait for the film's release on April 27th, watching this on repeat might tide you over. 

SEE ALSO: Here's our sound effects demo of the 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer

Everything is recreated horribly using everyday items around the house, but that's what makes it hilarious. Even the little things—like cars driving over the bridge, or Tom Holland's Spider-Man looking up while riding a train, are all flawlessly recreated. In the left-hand corner you can see the actual trailer, and the recreation is so impeccable that it's generated well-deserved buzz on Twitter since being posted on Saturday. 

Definitely some A+ material right here. You can watch the real trailer for Infinity War here

WATCH: Here's our sound effects demo of the 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer, what do you think?