The One Trick That Can Practically Guarantee You Won't Get an Unnatural Look From Fillers

Injectables and fillers are quick fixes for erasing lines and wrinkles, restoring lost volume and augmenting thin lips, under-eye hollows, flat cheeks and weak chins. But when too much product is injected or the wrong one is used in the wrong area, you can go from looking like you’ve been subtly injected to looking like you have a gallon of product in your face. “When too much filler is used, it looks excessive. If filler is injected when there is a fair amount of sagging and a facelift is necessary, you can look doughy and unnatural,” says La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD.

In order to maintain a natural look it’s important that these three things are done.

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Subtle enhancement is key.

Almost any doctor will tell you that the secret to good work is looking like you had nothing done. That holds true to injectables and fillers, too. Post-injection, your features shouldn’t be hard, overinflated or swollen.

Don’t do too much at once.

New York plastic surgeon Scott Newman, MD, says it’s best to split injections up into multiple visits and use small amounts of product each time. “This makes an overfilled result almost impossible.” El Paso, TX, plastic surgeon Frank Agullo, MD, follows a similar theory and starts with one syringe of product and then reevaluates a week or two later so that too much product doesn’t end up being used.

You can always undo what’s been done.

In the event you don’t like the result of your hyaluronic acid fillers, your doctor can inject the area with hyaluronidase, which acts like an antidote to reverse the effects of what’s been injected.