The one heartbreaking tweet that sums up this election for immigrants

For many voters, the presidential election is not panning out as planned.

With Donald Trump performing better than expected in several battleground states, a race already marred by intolerance and misconduct has taken on a new air of danger — particularly for immigrants.

SEE ALSO: 6 tweets that dominated this election

The Big Bang Theory star Kunal Nayyar, who was born in London, grew up in India and attended college in the United States, summed up his mid-election night feelings in a succinct and terrifying tweet.

Of course, the tweet has an extensive and fraught context. During his campaign, Trump called to end birthright citizenship, referred to Mexican immigrants to the United States as "rapists" and advocated for a full ban on Muslims entering the United States.

BONUS: Donald Trump was caught peeking at his wife's election ballot