One of Europe's Best Sneaker Stores Is Coming to the U.S. and Giving Away Shoes

Sneakersnstuff was started in Stockholm in 1999 by Erik Fagerlind and Peter Jansson and has since opened locations in London and Paris. They originally opened the store, though, to provide sneakers that they would bring back from trips to New York City and sell in Europe. The SNS team is now giving back to NYC and doing two special collaborations for their friends in the States.

The shop posted on Instagram that it would be heading to NYC and giving away the sneakers to people. In the post they outlined why it's all going down.

They said:

Sneakersnstuff started out as resellers. There, we said it. We used to go to New York and search the city for products. Remember that the Internet was not yet a big thing in the US when we started out back in the '90s. We ate burgers and a few pizza slices. Then we just walked around and bought sneakers. Sneakers that we couldn’t find in Europe. When we had found what we were looking for we took the shoes out of the boxes, folded the boxes, packed down the boxes in one bag and the shoes in huge duffel bags. Then we brought them back to Stockholm and sold in store. It was always and still is a great adventure to go to New York. New York have always shown us so much love. Now we want to give something back! We are unboxing a bunch of sneakers and packing them down in duffel bags. But this time we bringing shoes to New York. Inspired by those early days of SNS we made two special shoes together with Puma. We will give them to friends we met over the years. We will give them to friends we still haven’t met. We will share a slice of pizza with you and we will most definitely have a burger or two. Follow our journey on Instagram to find out how, when and where you can get hold of a free pair.

From the photos the sneakers look to be the Puma XS-850 and XT1. Follow Sneakersnstuff on Instagram here for more details.

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