In One Ear: Lost, found, lost

A morsel from The Daily Morning Astorian, April 18, 1889:

• “The British bark Shalimar, which left Newcastle, New South Wales, for Astoria Dec. 22, 1888, has not been heard from and is believed to be lost. Offers to reinsure her have been made at 60 guineas.”

... About the time that dispatch arrived, the vessel in question was coming in over the bar and arrived here yesterday afternoon, 116 days from Newcastle. Breezes foul and tempests murky made a long voyage, and a series of accidents and baffling winds held the vessel back nearly two months beyond the usual time.”

Note: The ship’s luck changed, according to Wrecksite. On Sept. 13, 1890, there was news that the owners had received a cable from Valparaiso, Chile, from the ship’s captain, saying the Shalimar had been abandoned at sea during a storm near Cape Horn. All aboard were picked up and saved on Aug. 4 by the Swedish bark Robert Farss. (Painting: George Philip Reinagle)