In One Ear: Local brevities

Tidbits from The Daily Morning Astorian, May 23, 1885:

• The San Francisco weather bureau prophesies rain up here; safe bet.

• The Tillie E. Starbuck cleared for Queenstown, New Zealand, yesterday with a hefty cargo.

Note: The Tillie E. Starbuck was the first, and one of the few, iron sailing vessels produced by the U.S. Built in 1883, she was lost off Cape Horn, South America, in 1907.

• British residents will this evening celebrate by a banquet the 66th birthday of her Britannic majesty Queen Victoria.

Note: Prior to Queen Elizabeth II, her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria (pictured) — which the Victorian era was named after — was the longest reigning British monarch.

• Eugene Semple, candidate and claimant for the Washington Territory governorship, has as a strong plea the alleged fact that he is endorsed by the bars of Astoria and St. Helens. That is certainly strong recommendation.

Note: Well, maybe. Semple, also pictured, was eventually appointed as the 13th governor of Washington Territory, and served from 1887 to 1889. He lost the bid to be first governor of Washington state, though.

• This is the first term of Circuit Court for some time in which there has been no indictment for murder, which is a fortunate thing for the taxpayers.